Board & Community Relations

Bridging the Engagement Gap: Building Community Support & Involvement in Your District

This course focus is on how school boards, superintendents and others in the school community can build support from the public. Topics include: Community Engagement Best Practices, Being proactive, utilizing feedback from stakeholders as well as building partnerships with business and others.

Dr. Wanda Creel

Course Length : 1 Hours
Board Training Credit : 1 Hours

Domain III – Board and Community Relations

Standard A - The governance leadership team develops a process for creating a culture where input is sought, heard, and valued.

Standard B – The board develops policies to ensure effective communication and engagement of all stakeholders’ which support the strategic plan, desired culture and continuous improvement of the school system.

Standard C - The governance leadership team ensures processes that develop, communicate and maintain procedures for communications by stakeholders which result in resolution of issues and concerns supporting the strategic plan, desired culture and continuous improvement of the school system.
  • Course Instructions
  • Webinar
  • Webinar Presentation
  • Conclusion
  • Course Assessment
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: until June 30