Board & Community Relations

The Super Six: Top Questions School Board Members Should be Asking Their Superintendent

This course is an overview of major focus areas of school boards. The topics include: High-performing Governance Teams, Strategic Planning, Accountability, Building Community Support, and aligning budget and resources.

Valarie Wilson, GSBA Executive Director
Dr. Gene Bottoms, Senior Vice President, Southern Regional Education Board

Course Length : 1 Hours
Board Training Credit : 1 Hours

Domain I Governance Structure Domain Description: The board of education and superintendent form the governance leadership team of the local school system, and act in a manner that focuses on improving student achievement and organizational effectiveness.

Standard A - The governance leadership team is comprised of the local board of education and the superintendent, and adheres to appropriate roles and responsibilities, as defined in the state constitution, state law, local act and board policy.

Standard B - The governance leadership team demonstrates a unified approach to governing the school system in order to assure effective fulfillment of roles and responsibilities.

Standard C - The board acts as a policy-making body separate from the roles and responsibilities authorized to the superintendent.

Standard D – The governance leadership team executes its duties as defined in the state constitution, state laws, and state board rules consistent with local board policies, accreditation standards, procedures and ethical standards, which govern its conduct.

Domain III - Board and Community Relations Domain Description: In order to ensure improved student achievement and organizational effectiveness, the governance leadership team creates and sustains healthy community relations, models professional relationships, creates a culture of mutual respect, and serves as a public school advocate for effective collaboration and engagement of internal and external stakeholders.

Standard A - The governance leadership team develops a process for creating a culture where input is sought, heard, and valued.

Standard B - Annually and as needed, utilizing the adopted strategic planning process, the governance leadership team monitors and reports progress on performance measures.

Standard C - The governance leadership team ensures processes that develop, communicate and maintain procedures for communications by stakeholders which result in resolution of issues and concerns supporting the strategic plan, desired culture and continuous improvement of the school system.
  • Course Instructions
  • Webinar
  • Webinar Presentation
  • Conclusion
  • The Super Six Assessment
  • Course Evaluation
  • Course Instructions (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: until June 30