Effective Meetings

Parliamentary Procedure

A school board member is the place where Governance Teams (the Superintendent and the school board) conduct their business. They are open to the public and as such, how the meetings are run and how board members conduct themselves is extremely important. This course will provide system best practices in running an effective school board meeting.

Instructor: Zenda Bowie

Course Length/Credit : 2 Hours

Standards for Effective Governance

Domain I: Governance Structure
Standard A : The governance leadership team is comprised of the local board of education and the superintendent, and adheres to appropriate roles and responsibilities, as defined in the state constitution, state law, local act and board policy.
Standard C : The board acts as a policy-making body separate from the roles and responsibilities authorized to the superintendent.
Standard D : The governance leadership team demonstrates a unified approach to governing the school system in order to assure effective fulfillment of roles and responsibilities.

Domain III : Board and Community Relations
Standard A : The governance leadership team develops a process for creating a culture where input is sought, heard, and valued.
Standard B : The board develops policies to ensure effective communication and engagement of all stakeholders’ which support the strategic plan, desired culture and continuous improvement of the school system.
Standard C : The governance leadership team ensures processes that develop, communicate and maintain procedures for communications by stakeholders which result in resolution of issues and concerns supporting the strategic plan, desired culture and continuous improvement of the school system.

Domain IV : Policy Development
Standard A : The board of education adopts, revises, and follows written policies that are clear, up-to-date, and in compliance with the school system’s strategic plan, state constitution, state and federal laws and state board rules.

Domain V : Board Meetings
Standard A : The board announces and holds meetings in accordance with local board policy and the Open Meetings Law (O.C.G.A. §50-14-1).

Domain VIII : Ethics
Standard A : The board of education adheres to, adopts and practices a Code of Ethics, avoids conflicts of interest, and annually reviews ethical standards to ensure and enhance governance structure and organizational effectiveness.
  • Course Overview
  • Parliamentary Procedure and References
  • The Chair & Basic Principles
  • Roles and Responsibility
  • What is the premiere authority?
  • Officer Job Descriptions
  • The School Board Meeting
  • The Agenda
  • Amending the Motion
  • Motions for your Consideration
  • Taking the Vote
  • Making and Debating the Motion
  • Case Study: Minnesota
  • Minutes
  • Debate
  • Case Study: Executive Session
  • Let's Talk about Executive Session
  • Case Study: Take Two
  • Conclusion
  • Knowledge Check
  • Closing Comments
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: until June 30